Monday, September 3, 2012

Diving Bell Spider (Argyroneta aquatica)

You thought you were safe from them in the water.

But no, the Diving Bell Spider lives its whole life in the water. It is however the only known spider to live permanently in water so there's not to many. It stores oxygen in its bell shaped web (hence the name). It sleeps, eats, and reproduces in its little bubble. Read below videos for more info.

These spiders are found in northern and central Europe and northern Asia. They need oxygen to breath so they catch air with little hairs on their abdomen and store them in their bell shaped webs. The high CO-2 rate in the bubble compared to the nearby water rates causes oxygen from the water to slowly seep into the bubble. It is often enough for sleeping but the spider must create larger bubbles (more oxygen) in order to do activities like laying eggs and eating. The spider can also endure very low oxygen levels without any distress unlike most insects. Their bubbles are often referred to as "physical gills".

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