Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Artificial Jellyfish


Yes that is correct. A synthetic jellyfish made from rat heart and flexible silicon has been created to swim like a real jellyfish. This type of research is going to result in a lot of future work with synthetic organs and understanding animal behavior. More info below. 

See it in action 

Next 2 videos will help explain it more 

“Medusoid” was grown in a tiny frame, so that it had a round shape and eight appendages. They used computer engineering to determine the shape that would work best for them. The design for the artificial jellyfish came from the moon jellyfish which consists of a single layer of muscle, with fibers that are tightly aligned around a central ring and along eight spokes. Instead of jellyfish muscle they used a layer of rat heart muscle because the “building blocks” of rat muscle were more “familiar” to them. 

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