Monday, June 24, 2013

Sea Hare

Whats more majestic than a swimming slug?

Most garden slugs are not that interesting to watch but this is no garden slug. This is a sea slug and these guys  are completely different. They have some cool tricks up their sleeves as well as an interesting swimming motion. More info below. 

Informative Commentary

Commentator makes me feel uncomfortable but its a good video 

Couple videos of the slugs swimming 

(slug taco)

Sea Hares are mollusks (like snails, slugs, mussels, and octopuses) and belong to the Aplysia family. They have a small interior shell which is covered by their "wings" or parapodia (paired un-jointed lateral outgrowths from the bodies).  Most Sea Hares have two pairs of tentacles, one behind their eyes and another near their mouth. The latter are used for movement and the former is used for smelling. Their size ranges from 8-16 inches on average but one species of Californian Black Sea Hare can get up to 30 inches.  

They are found pretty much everywhere around the world from Australia to New South Wales to North America. They live in, shallow and muddy, sea grass, and rocky shore environments. They feed on algae and eel grass.  

Irritating red-purple ink can be secreted by some slugs in order to escape predators. Some believes this is simply the animals waste product but other scientists believe it is the red algae commonly eaten by the slug. Other species of Sea Hare are simply toxic and are avoided by predators. The most common form of defense is camouflage. 


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