Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gila Monster

What kind of lizard bites and refuses to let go?

This colorful lizard resides in the south western United States and some parts of Mexico.  Although they may be colorful they have a dark secret. They are the only poisonous lizards that live in North America, and if being poisonous wasn't enough, once a Gila monster bites it refuses to let go. More info below. 

Gila monsters are the largest lizards native to the United States. They spend the majority of their lives living underground in burrows and rarely come out. When they do it is to find food and water. They are lethargic animals that have a diet usually consisting of eggs or other food that can't outrun them. Sadly, this species is on the list of endangered species as its population is threatened by human expansion into its natural habitat.

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