Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Leopard Slug

Get ready for some crazy slug action

Taken by Paul J. Morris via Flickr

I still can't believe this is real, but it is. I know at first slug mating doesn't sound exciting (and probably really gross) but trust me, it's not what you're expecting. The complexity of nature is unbelievable. Here are the videos. More info below.

Get ready

Here's what there eggs look like

Image by benet2006 via Flickr

Taken by Paul J. Morris via Flickr

File:Mating Great Grey Slug 4111.jpg

Taken by Spleines via Wikipedia

Scientific Name: Limax Maximus
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Order: Stylommatophora
Family: Limacidea
Genus: Limax

Key Characteristics: 
  • Leopard slugs get their name from their spots and stripes on their body and foot 
  • They are keel back slugs (Limacidea) meaning they have a sharp edged back
  • Mostly nocturnal but can be seen in the day when humid or overcast
  • Partially seen as pests because they eat garden plants but they also eat other "pest slugs" by eating their eggs and carrion
  • Have another shell below their mantel shield 

  • Mushrooms, dead plants, tree and stone algae, carrion, other slugs and their eggs

  • Originally found in Southern and Western Europe but is now found in all of Europe, America, and Australia do to food transport ships
  • They liver virtually everywhere including forest, settlements, groves, hedges, parks, and barns.

Fun Fact:
  • Young leopard slugs can be seen piggy backing on the adult's mantel shields, the adults don't seem to mind or they simply can't scratch them off their backs



  1. The juxtaposition of those two videos is great. These slugs have an elegant flower-like mating ritual...then a few weeks later, the baby slugs devour the unhatched. Still, cool posts. Just goes to show that Mollusca is the definitely the best phylum.

    1. cool post*
      Singular. Although I guess the rest are pretty good too (mostly the ones in Snail Week though). No bias here at all.

    2. Your so right. Two extreme opposites contrasting. A very dramatic and elegant mating ritual to create life with a very dirty and gruesome murdering to end it. (I'm just gonna act like I replayed to your comment immediately)
