Monday, May 20, 2013

Goliath Bird-Eating Spider

Goliath Would Be Scared of This Guy

This monster eats tarantulas for breakfast. Its venom may not be deadly but I wouldn't want to be stabbed by cheetah sized fangs. Have fun sleeping tonight. More info below. 

Warning the below video has animal violence  

Here's some info. on the spider

More live footage

Video is a bit long but its very cool

The Goliath Bird-Eating spider (Scientific Name: Theraphosa Blondi) is the largest species of tarantula. It is found is in the northern countries of South America like Suriname, Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. These are rain forest areas.  

The full body length (including legs) can very depending on age but is about 12 inches on average. They have weak eyesight and mostly nocturnal animals. They live most of their lives in their silk burrows. 

Like spiders, the male has large difficulty mating with females and even after the mating is over they often get eaten by the female if they are not quick enough. They have matting hooks on their first set of legs which they use to control  the females fangs when mating. The female injects about 50 eggs into a 1 inch silk sack when giving birth. 

Maturity takes about 2 years The female spiders can live up to 30 years but 25 is their average. Males die a few years after mating however which leads to about a 3-6 year life span.

The spiders can also make hissing sounds with their leg bristles to fend off predators. 


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